Batman is a 6 year old, about ,75 lb, husky, German shepherd mix. He is up to date on his vaccinations. He is a silly, curious, alert, affectionate, and overall calm boy. He does love to play but can also be relaxed and chill by his human's side. He does at times find himself worrisome of the wind and fireworks. He is definitely a treat loving dogo and finds learning a new skill/command exciting. Overall, he is the sweetest and loving guy. He loves meeting new humans. He does not like cats and takes some time to warm up to other dogs. He is wonderful with children over the age of 2. He has a relaxed overall demeanor. he is trained in using a doggy door and bathroom trained. he has had some walking train and does fine on a leash. He is a loving dog who loves cuddles and affection. He becomes very excited to learn new tricks and responds positively to most treats (not a very picky eater). he enjoys playing fetch and tug. he also enjoy using a various kongs and lick mats for stimulation. If interested in adopting kindly fill out the application found here
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