Meet this goofy girl Gordy! She is about 6 to 8 months old and is about 25 to 45 lbs. She is a mix of what we believe is a border collie/bull terrier mix. She was dropped in the middle of a field and left there to starve to death. She was so scared of people and did not trust us at first. She was never wanting to bite, but was for sure scared of people. We got her more comfy with being around everyone, but will need a slow introduction. She is good with other dogs and kids, but with chase a cat when it runs, not to get it, but just to play. She is working on those manners. She is a great girl and deserves all the love she can get. Note: we are located in Texas and transport up state. We transport to New jersey and Connecticut and some stops on the way. So you are unable to meet this pup, but we can get you videos and pics and match you with the best pup. we have been doing this for over 16 years and have matched so many people with so many pups! Our adoption fees cover their vetting costs and transport fees. If you have any question please reach out asap.
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