Meet Mykah, a magnificent looking 4 year old, 28 lb cocker spaniel boy. If you are looking for an exercise buddy, he is your boy! He still has the energy of a puppy and needs an active adopter/family - he gets a 40 minute walk each morning, swims every day in his foster's pool and 2 hours of play in the backyard in the evening and could go longer if his foster dad let him. He loves to run in the yard where he has taken up the time honored tradition of chasing squirrels. He loves toys and balls (and does not like to share them) and has found every last one in his foster home. Mykah loves to go on walks and is strong! He wears a harness without issue and is working on his leash walking skills. He will need continued training to become more secure when he sees other dogs and cyclists. He is dog selective - good with his foster brother, an older dog but NO CATS. Mykah is very snuggly and affectionate with his chosen human and attaches to that person quickly. As such he needs an ADULT ONLY home (NO KIDS). He does ok in the car but needs to be crated (which he is fine with). He has a great appetite - no worries there - and has developed a taste for cheese. He is great for brushing, grooming and ear cleaning. Mykah prefers someone to be home more often than not and will bark when left alone or wants your attention. For that reason, we are looking for an adopter with a single family home, a fenced-in yard with pool and where he will not be left alone for long periods. If you would like to make Mykah a forever member of your family, please complete an application through our website: His ADOPTION FEE is $350.
Florida Coastal Cocker Rescue
Lee County
Cape Coral, Florida
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