Hope is 2 years. She is loving and friendly. She was raised with a group of all sized dogs. She was rescued from across the border with her puppies ( Casey is one of her puppies) by the amazing networking of rescues. She is 35 lbs with an amazing personality. Very kind and loving. There are pictures with her pups. The dogs coming from across the border are called the Mexican Brown Dogs. We cannot stress just how sweet Hope is! If you would like to meet darling Hope, please fill out an application telling us what fun activities and life you have in store for Hope. Go to www.lindablairworldheart.org and click on the drop down menu, then click on adopt then adoption process. Southern California adoptions only. LBWF rescue property is in ACTON, CA where the dogs enjoy large play yards and love! Follow us on Facebook/Linda Blair Worldheart Foundation Twitter and Instagram@LindaBlairW Southern California adoptions only.
Linda Blair Worldheart Foundation
Los Angeles County
Acton , California
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